Really few items could be more telling than our handbags. If the bag itself is a projection of how we want to be seen, its contents are a mirror of who we really are. Interior Closure is a place for  fashion writing that delves into the interiors beneath the surface and glossy aesthethics of objects. Inspired by the diverse style language behind handbags, from well-established cult classics to emerging labels and anonymous It bags, we seek to amplify specific and unique stories at the intersection of fashion and culture, fostering relationships across music, film, architecture, and style.

Objects like handbags serve as sources of inspiration as they channel our inner world of obsessions, dreams, and desires. Each worn bag has a unique character loaded with symbolism, from class to gender: it signals the way we carry ourselves in so many different ways.

In our carryall orbit: revisiting those glorious cult classics and getting you smarter about under-the-radar labels — think directional designs, eco- conscious fabrics, and a new smart/casual take on investment purchases.